June 21, 2011

Chameria event in New York University

Chameria yesterday and today, challenges and perspectives of the Cham issue in the 21st Century.

The Albanian American Organization Chameria is hosting the 67 Annual Commemoration of the Chameria Genocide from the Greek Army with general Napoleon Zervas who committed crimes against innocent Albanians from the region of Chameria in June 24-27 in 1944. The Albanian American Organization Chameria invites everyone to attend this special event with a diverse program that include special guests, scholars, and survivors of the genocide. Also there will be a documentary presentation on the current affairs how "Greek Democracy" presently treats the Cham issue and what are the policy implications for eventual Balkan economic and political stability.

We hope to see you all there,
Albanian American Organization Chameria


Feel free to email us at chameriaorganization@gmail.com for RSVP or more information.


Të nderuar bashkëatdhetarë!

Në kuadër të përkujtimit të viktimave të Genocidit grek ndaj popullsisë shqiptare të Çamërisë
Forumi Shqiptaro Amerikan per Demokraci dhe Organizata Shqiptaro Amerikane Çamëria me 25 Qershor 2011, ora 11:30 organizojnë seminarin "ÇAMERIA, DJE DHE SOT, SFIDAT DHE PERSPEKTIVAT E ÇESHTJES ÇAME NE SHEKULLIN  XXI" ne ambjentet e  NYU, Tisch Building dhoma  LC 216. Ora 11:30.

Pjesemarrja juaj na nderon

Ju lutem konfirmoni pjesmarrjen tuaj  me ane te emailit tek adresa iliasejdho@gmail.com  deri te shtunen ne ora 9 00 per te siguruar hyrjen ne ambjentet e NYUs.

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